Customs services


We provide agency services to our customers in customs proceedings, administrative proceedings and tax proceedings, as well as in electronic customs proceedings. We ensure electronic communication for all customs systems of e-Import system, e-Export – Transit in NCTS system, export in ECS system – and of course execution of all the necessary documents for goods to undergo the customs procedure (in the case of import and export of the goods outside EU). Furthermore we process INTRASTAT records and statistics for movement of goods between the European Union member states in intra-EU trade and submit them to customs authorities. We classify the goods according to the combined TARIC nomenclature of goods (a system of common EU customs tariff list).


We ensure elaborating the Single Administrative Document (SAD) and Electronic Customs Declaration for e-Import (AIS), Transit Accompanying Document in NCTS system (T1, T2, T2L) and issue of transit documents Carnet TIR, Carnet ATA and CMR international consignment note.


We provide complete customs clearance for export – Export Accompanying Document (EAD) in ECS system, Transit Accompanying Document (TAD) in NCTS system (T1, T2, T2L), Certificate of Origin for goods from the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Certificate of Origin for the goods (EUR.1, FORM A, A.TR etc.), Carnet TIR in NCTS system, Carnet ATA and CMR international consignment note.

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